Tim’s Big Little Audio Books

Sharing some life experiences.  

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913-648-6625                           Table of Contents

My 3 favorite books. I like to refer to them as my owner’s manual for running my life, with the least amount of breakdowns along the way. Click on the pictures of the books to go to the Amazon page to see the Kindle version of the books. Also on Audible.com and Itunes store.

The Big house to vanlife is about our journey from starting from nothing to having lots, then not having lots and then to downsizing, building our own custom RV van and living in it for the last 6 years. Well actually it covers up to the first year of living in the van, we’re still working on the updated book that covers years 2 through 6 of van living.

The SLEC book is a self help, health, psychology, be happy, dealing with life type book. Tips and tools on how the mind works, how to program it and use it for it’s best potential instead of it running you. Covers the science and the spiritual side of life. It has a few chapters for teens but the book can pretty much be used to get some living ideas for any age.

The Photography book is a business book, how do survive in changing times and how to step out of the circle of the ways things are supposed to be done according to the experts. Some great info on students wanting to be a professional photographer in the current times. Also a great Thesis from a fellow award winning photographer friend of mine who is one of the few that has the same photography, business mindset of mine. The audio version will be on Audible and Amazon by the end of July.

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